Easter Campaign – Candle of faith


Charitable Campaign “candle of faith”

in the year “One human family – FOOD FOR ALL!”

10 March 2015 – 16 April 2015


“While we are talking about rights, those who are in hunger, stay at the corner of the street, asking for being integrated, and having the daily bread. It is about dignity, not a favour”, says Pope Francis.

842 million of children, women and men suffer of hunger. Many others are not conscious of this. This is the reason why Pope Francis has blessed the anti hunger Campaign, launched by Caritas Internationalis at global level, in this way every national can understand what is happening in different countries an act at different levels for improving the situation.

Thus, in the period from 5 March to 12 May 2014 and 30 November 2014 to 8 January 2015, Caritas Moldova in partnership with the Romano Catholic Parishes of the Chisinau Diocese organized the charity campaign “Candle of Faith” in the frame of the “Year against hunger”, for supporting those who are in need, especially the hungry one.

During Lent and Easter were distributed 1181 candles, and during Advent and Christmas – 289 candles. From the total sum of collected donations, 6370 lei were used for purchasing and distributing of food packages in the parishes involved in this charity campaign.

Thus, in the parish “St. Joseph” food packages were distributed to 19 bedridden patients, in the parish “St. Trinity” from Tiraspol, 8 persons received food packages, and in the parish “St. Marta” from Sloboda Rashkov, it was prepared a hot meal for 7 disabled lonely elderly.

The sum of 12188 lei will be used for purchasing and distributing food packages to the most needy, seek and vulnerable people and marking the “International Day of Seek People” celebrated on 11thFebruary. Over 50 families from 17 localities, mainly with many children and seniors living in extremely difficult conditions, have received substantial food packages this week.

With the beginning of Lent and during Easter celebration, Caritas Moldova will continue the Campaign “One human family – food for all”, with the blessing of the Bishop, from 10 March until 20 of April 2015, with the Support of Romano-Catholic Parishes.