A gift comes from another gift

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Someone said: “A gift that came from another gift – brigs heaven”

It’s true, giving from the little we have, we’ll gather in our “pocket” acts of mercy and deeds of compassion.

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There are already 2 years since when Caritas Moldova is the partner of Social Mission “Diaconia” in the charity campaign “Table of Joy”.

Our volunteerscollected donationsfor the sickandlonelyelderly. And to help us filling the plate of other poor and burdened, the Mission” Diaconia” gave us a gift ofbags withpotatoes, cabbage, cereal, pasta and sweets.

We sincerely thank the Social Mission “Diaconia” for this beautiful gift, and hope to collaboratein the future, in order to supportthe most poorand needy, throughjoint efforts of our organizations.

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