Project „Healthy choices for youth in preventing HIV/AIDS“ started for the first time in 2010, being developed in partnership with the CRS. Since 2011 Caritas Moldova continued to pursue this project in partnership with Caritas Luxembourg.

Project goal: to prevent and reduce the risk of HIV infection among young people that live in rural areas, to reduce the HIV-related stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV in rural areas (Ungheni and Căuşeni districts)

Main Objectives:

  • to create an environment in which young people are encouraged to make healthy lifestyle choices.
  • to prepare young people to manage their personal health and to make them take healthy decisions, so that they can protect against HIV.

Period of implementation: 2010- present

Direct beneficiaries: teenagers aged 14-18 years, adults

Indirect Beneficiaries: the residents of communities from Ungheni: village Costuleni, village Gherman, village Măcărești, village Sculeni; and the residents of communities from Căuşeni: Chircăieşti Village, Ursoaia village, Sălcuţa village and Căinari village.

Methods of implementation:

  1. Identification of areas for project implementation. Negotiating with community leaders about opportunities and positive impact of implementing the project in their locality. Signing collaboration agreements with each community.
  2. The selection and training of 2 local trainers for youth and for adult from eight local municipalities.
  3. Organization of trainings for youth (50 hours) „A healthy lifestyle in preventing HIV / AIDS”
  4. Organization of  training for adults (24 hours) „Preventing HIV/AIDS and improving parents communication with their children”
  5.  Offering small grants for youth, adults, school, town hall and church.

National Bureau Coordinator:  Fişer Rodica

Donor: Caritas Luxemburg
