Receiving and distribution of humanitarian aid was one of the first activities undertaken by the Catholic Religious Mission “Caritas Moldova”. The organization received used clothing/footwear and distributed them to the local roman-catholic parishes.

During its activities, Caritas Moldova collaborated with various partners, which in turn led to a diversification of the type of goods received for humanitarian aid, for example: bandages, disinfectants, diapers, bed linen, medical equipment, multifunctional beds, care equipment (wheelchairs, crutches, toilet chairs, walkers, etc), office and school furniture and furniture for medical institutions.

All things are provided free of charge as humanitarian aid to legal entities (government institutions, organizations, foundations, etc) or individuals, according to applications received from them.

General objective: Providing humanitarian aid to the most disadvantaged categories of population in the entire territory of the Republic of Moldova.


- receipt, storage and distribution of the goods received as humanitarian aid;

- co-operation with central and local authorities in order to identify potential beneficiaries of the humanitarian aid;

- co-operation with central and local authorities in order to provide humanitarian aid to them.


-  distribution of used clothing to non-governmental organizations;

- distribution of processed cheese and milk powder to the Municipal Hospital of Phisiopulmunology from Balti;

- distribution of medical masks for Municipal Hospital of Phisiopulmunology from Balti and the Emergency centre in Balti;

- distribution of multifunctional clinical beds for the Municipal Hospital of Phisiopulmunology from Balti;

- distribution of furniture to the Chisinau Municipal Hospital # 4 and the hospital in Anenii Noi district;

- distribution of wheelchairs, roller-walkers, toilet chairs, crutches to the beneficiaries of social-medical projects of Caritas Moldova and other people in need.

Donors: Caritas Viena, Caritas Swiss, Dr. Oeler, Kukukkultur

National Bureau Coordinator: Iulian Mariuta
